1001 E Chicago Ave, Suite 143 Naperville, IL 60540    

Articles posted by James Matthews

Cosmetic Dentistry in Naperville and How it Benefits You

There are many things you can do to help keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong each and every day!  From practicing good oral care to finding a good dentist who can help you when problems arise, taking care of your teeth is an ongoing task. Basic cleanings and exams are just some of

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dental health

Understanding the Connection Between Dental Health and Overall Health

Few people realize that there is a strong and direct connection between dental health and overall health. There is a lot that goes into maintaining good health and nutrition and when it comes to preserving your health by protecting your teeth is a great place to start! What’s the connection? The mouth has many different

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Understanding Halitosis- Do You Know Your Bad Breath Facts?

Anyone who has reached adulthood has likely had at least one embarrassing experience caused by bad breath.  Medically known a halitosis, this condition is caused by a number of factors and they all cause stinky odors to be present in the mouth. Understanding halitosis is important so you can avoid the things that make it

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Understanding the Dangers of Gum Disease

Many people have heard the term gum disease- it gets thrown around a lot and there is barely an advertisement for mouthwash or toothpaste that doesn’t mention this condition. But while most people have heard of it they do not relay understand what it is.  It is important that people are told about this condition

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