1001 E Chicago Ave, Suite 143 Naperville, IL 60540    


What Is Facial Collapse & How to Prevent It

What Is Facial Collapse & How to Prevent It?

Your body receives a signal whenever your teeth go missing. Unfortunately, the message is not always good, considering that the signal sent indicates that the jawbone that initially supported your teeth may not be needed. Consequently, your body interprets the message and reabsorbs the bones, using the nutrients elsewhere since the bone is no longer

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Replace Your Toothbrush

Is It Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?

Do you remember the last time you replaced your toothbrush? Although we don’t hesitate to throw out expired foods or restock vitamins, it’s our oral care that often falls short. However, there are important tips for maintaining optimal oral health. This includes changing out your toothbrush. When to Change Your Toothbrush The American Dental Association

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Preventative Dentistry is a Money-Saver

Why Go for Preventative Dentistry? If you break a tooth, a tooth, your jaw starts hurting, or you experience alarming swelling, you’re very likely to hurry to the dentist. For many people, though, preventative and diagnostic dental services are a harder sell. It costs both money and a little time to keep dental appointments, and

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Don't go to the ER for emergency dentistry

Don’t Go to the ER for Emergency Dentistry

Where to Look for Emergency Dentistry It’s night, the weekend, or a holiday. Suddenly you fall and break a tooth, or for some mysterious reason, a tooth simply starts hurting fiercely. Your immediate impulse might be to seek the urgent dental care you need in the local hospital emergency room. That, after all, is where

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Are you teeth grinding in your sleep?

Are You Teeth Grinding in Your Sleep?

What Is Teeth Grinding? Chronic teeth grinding or clenching is a medical condition called bruxism. There are a variety of causes including stress, anxiety, sleep apnea, an abnormal bite, crooked teeth, or missing teeth. Whatever the cause, teeth grinding can cause teeth to fracture, become loose, or fall out. Or, teeth can wear down to

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Does Flossing Really Help?

The Case For and Against Flossing You may have noticed that some health-related questions aren’t as settled as we might have hoped. Red wine is a case in point. You might remember hearing that one glass every day would do you a world of good. More recently, however, some experts have asserted that drinking any

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Quit smoking now

Quit Smoking Now

Quit Smoking: It’s Terrible for Your Health If there’s one thing medical science has researched exhaustively and is certain about, it’s that smoking poses considerable risks to your health. The American Cancer Society considers it the single greatest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the world. Many of us associate smoking first and

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Treating Dry Mouth

The Prevalence of Dry Mouth If your dentist refers to xerostomia, you may not know what he or she is referring to, but it’s all too likely you’re familiar with dry mouth. Many people have the condition at one point or another in their lives although estimates vary widely as to exactly how many. That’s

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